Precarious Political Relations Between Israel and the Republic of Turkey

Precarious Political Relations Between Israel and the Republic of Turkey
Palestine has been the tension point in the Turkey- Israeli relations since the Zionist movement tried to seizure Palestine from Sultan Abdul Hamid II. The ambiguity in relations continued until nowadays. On a certain period there was a coordination between the two countries in terms of strategic, political, economic, military, and security aspects in the mid of the nineteenth of the last century. However, the relations have been greatly strained for a period of time after the Israeli attack of MV Mavi Marmara Passenger Ship in 2010.
Despite Turkey’s early recognition of Israel, the relation didn’t concluded in a strategic coalition until the mid of nineteenth of the last century; this means after signing peace accords between “Israel” and the Arab countries. On the other hand, and despite the cold relations between both sides after the Israeli raid on Gaza Freedom Flotilla, the economic, security, and military coordination between the two countries continued, developed, and was aloof from the diplomatic and political controversies.
The most important thing the study tackled was the precarious relations between both sides, and the reflection of which on the Palestinian Cause, as well as the approaches of the Justice and Development Party in dealing with the Arab-Israeli conflict.